Recent events have caused all of us, even or perhaps especially, those who’ve considered themselves allies, to take stock of how we can listen more intently, learn and do more.

Words are not enough, but all positive change starts with empathy. It is with empathy in mind that we created this “We’ll Never Know” PSA Campaign. These are the words we believe must be said to people of color and internalized by our community. We hope this campaign will encourage a dialog in our community and in our industry on how we can combine to do and be better through recognizing what we don’t know, taking a long hard look in the mirror, leading with our hearts, and plotting a better future.

The time is now.

Please share and help spread the message. #wewillneverknow

Below are resources to support the Black Lives Matter movement. If we are missing any support organizations, donation links or petitions that educate, inform or help the movement, please submit them here and we will add them to this page.


    Harvard’s Project Implicit allows you to take a series of tests to see where your unconscious biases lie, you can find it here:

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