Using Advancement in Technology to Your Advantage
The world is on a fast track towards major change. Not only is the population growing exponentially, but the internet, mobile devices and other advances in technology are creating challenging hurdles as well as lucrative opportunities for marketers.
Technology is no longer an interesting sideshow that can be brushed aside without much consequence. It has become the main driving link between vast numbers of consumers and the brands seeking their business. The key, therefore, to reaching the masses and achieving and maintaining a competitive edge in an increasingly busy market is to utilize new technology to your advantage.
In today’s global community, technology is how the customer touches and is touched by the brand. And with each passing day, new forms of software and more interactive devices are created to make the consumer’s digital experience even more amazing. For the marketer, the trick is understanding which technological choices to make because each one works to shape the journey of those people they reach – in either a good or bad way. The goal, of course, is to make the customer’s experience with your brand a pleasant and enjoyable one.
Smart Mobile Devices
The internet opened amazing doors for marketers to expand their brand influence, but the arrival of smart mobile phones, pads and other devices has magnified that power exponentially. According to Statista, global smartphone use has risen from 1.52 billion users in 2014 to 2.32 billion users today.[1] By 2020, it is estimated that nearly 3 billion users will be connected to the growing web of apps and services which is approaching the halfway point of the world’s total population of 7.5 billion.
Mobile marketing can be a goldmine if approached correctly and that requires rethinking marketing strategies. Smartphones heavily influence user emotions mainly through visual and audio sensory. Therefore, the use of videos, chat apps and other sensory stimulators are important methods to include in your digital marketing plan.
Data Collection
The ability to target consumers most interested in a brand is critical for successful marketing campaigns. The problem is that it can be extremely difficult to identify target audiences in the face of such rapid and widespread growth.
Technology is a valuable source for determining relevant targets for your marketing plan by helping to sort through the confusing masses of consumer information. Marketing technology provides a data-driven approach for obtaining refined analytics on target audiences. When you build a marketing plan around a well-defined target market, efforts to expose and expand your brand are more successful.
Time and Cost Effective
One of the main challenges for companies seeking to remain competitive in today’s global market is effectively managing time and expense – two critical components of a successful business. Tackling tasks via traditional means can add up to an extraordinary amount of man-hours and additional expense that shrinks a company’s bottom line.
Once again, technology rises to the rescue by offering automated solutions for a growing number of tasks. A variety of programs, services and machines stand ready to perform activities and manage details, freeing up employee time that can be focused on important business-building issues. Automated systems and services are also faster and more efficient with the ability to run 24/7.
In conclusion, the use of technology in a knowledgeable and effective way is advantageous on a number of fronts. It increases access to a growing global audience, it provides the data analytics tools to fine-tune target markets, and it allows for more efficient management of time and expense. All in all, marketing technology provides companies with a winning formula for success.
[1] Available from https://www.statista.com/stati...